5 thoughts on “500 Beads

  1. She looks stunning! Hmm pondering what word to use to say how bloody well done she has been and so courageous!

    I am in awe of you brave warrior Vega bear!!!

    hugs xxxxxx

    ps did you see the music video i posted on your wall that a teenager made??


  2. I too am so proud of Vega and you all!! My goodness those beads are many dear Kathi, I cannot believe it. Sue says she’s a warrior, yes indeed she is – you all are.
    How is the little steroid-bear? Has she recovered a bit? I felt so sorry for you, you sounded really tired on the phone…I would actually really like to come over and just have a cup of tea with you (only if it’s not too much!!), will call you this week to discuss dates – looking forward to seeing you in person to give you a long hug and help with whatever: shopping, distracting, cleaning you name it.
    And as promised: tulipfilm.wordpress.com

    Sending you the biggest hug,

    And as promised: tulipfilm.wordpress.com


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